

natural dyes





Slow Textiles


Slow Studio

Tinctórea is a local textile brand focused in the creation of natural textiles entirely made using natural dyes and fibers produced in a local and sustainable way. A textile concept that integrates organic production methods, traditional and experimental handcrafts and inspiration in nature, to create unique pieces guided by a concept of timeless aesthetics. A textile firm deeply committed to Textile Sustainability and the pursuit of the excellence in terms of traceability, simplicity and consistency.

Romina Gabrielli (Textile Designer) and Antonio Fdez. de Molina (Argoecologist) is the tandem at the helm of Tinctorea. Their love towards the Slow Textiles has led them to adopt a calm and peaceful way of life in the mountains of Cantabria (Spain), and to create The Dyer's House, a lovely space entirely dedicated to the research, promotion and enhancement of Natural Dyes. Away from the large commercial circuits, they bet on a concept of textiles with personality, closely linked to Nature.

Romi & Ato «Slow Textiles & Natural Colors Studio» is a local project that encompasses Mundo Lanar «Do It Yourself & Do It Slow», Ecolorgy «Rethink Your Colors» y Tinctórea «Slow Textile Concept», three interrelated projects with a common motivation: explore the possibilities offered by nature to meet the needs of a Conscious Consumption which recognizes the importance of the natural textiles together with the natural colors as a source of health, sustainability, harmony and wellbeing.

Our challenge always was to be able to produce natural textiles by ourselves, searching with it both a source of personal fulfillment, as well as the best guarantee of producing textiles according to our own ethical ideals.


Romi & Ato

The Dyer's House

Valle de Soba

39806 Cantabria España

(+00 34) 676 01 82 62

(+00 34) 661 37 43 79



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